Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Burning House

*Source anonymous by request.

On one spring evening of 1997 a mother and her twelve year old son were making a routine trip into town to run some errands. As they approached an intersection and prepared to make the turn which would lead them into town, the boy's sharp eyes noticed an ominous glow emanating from across the road. Pointing this out to his mother, he urged her to go straight. Now noticing the glow for herself which resembled the halo of a large fire, she did as her son asked and headed straight on. Traveling only a short distance down the country road the glow turned out to be a two story house that was enveloped in flames. The mother was horrified at the sight. Flames were shooting out of the second story windows, and smoke was billowing from the lower windows and doors of the house up past the pillars on the front porch. Frantically the mother pushed the car's accelerator to the floor, urging the vehicle to move faster down the road. Her only desire was to rush to the aid of the poor family who's house was being consumed by a maelstrom of flame. The engine's howl was joined by the sound of the wind whipping though the car's windows, and rocks flying from the tires. The car plunged down into a depression in the road momentarily blocking the view of the burning structure. Hurtling up on the opposite side of the dip in the road both mother and son where shocked, and dumfounded at what they saw. The house had vanished completely, along with the ominous glow, sparks, smoke, everything!

Stopping in the middle of the road both mother and son attempted to gather their wits. Doing a reality check the mother realized that she had lived in the area for over seven years, and drove this very section of road at least twice a day. The area where she and her son had seen the burning house, had always been nothing but an empty field! Never the less both she and her son were sure of what they had seen. Rolling the windows down on the car they both attempted to see if they could smell smoke, or hear the sounds of approaching emergency vehicles. Nothing! Still not convinced they drove around the area to higher ground, but never regained visual contact with the burning home. It was as if the house had never existed at all.

Returning home the mother attempted to come to grips with what she had seen. She was tempted to call the fire department, but did not. The next day she scanned the local newspaper looking for any reports of fires in the area. Once again, nothing! A friend that she related the story to had traveled the same road within an hour of her trip, and had seen nothing!

Returning to the sight in full daylight sometime later, the mother questioned the elderly gentleman who farmed the land. He claimed that he had no memory of any house ever sitting on the spot where she had seen the burning house. Nor had he ever heard his parents ever mention such a structure. He did offer the strange fact of that once when plowing the area in question he had overturned a headstone of seven to eight year old boy who had died sometime in the 1800's of the last name McCoy. A check of local historical archives revealed nothing to the mother's dismay. Both her and her son are left to ponder at what exactly it was they had seen. Some have suggested that it might have been a trick of the setting sun, or a mirage. Both mother and son stand firm on what they saw that one spring evening to this day, a home engulfed in raging flames.

The location of this sighting is in Ross county just outside of Kingston, Ohio. The individual who submitted this tale has asked that the exact location not be published out of courtesy to the gentleman who owns the property.

This post, including photos and commentary, originally appeared on James A. Sheets' site.

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