Monday, September 4, 2023

The Blood Bowl

I found out about this story from a post by Aaron Shelby to the Facebook group Ghost Towns and Creepy Abandoned Places. He didn't include many details, other than that the tunnel is haunted, you can hear screams at night, and a skateboarder allegedly died here. So, I did a little research to find a few more details:

Also known as the Gates of Hell, the Blood Bowl is a drainage tunnel under High Street for a stream which runs from Glen Echo Park to the Olentangy River. It is located behind a Tim Hortons at 2754 N. High Street in Columbus, Ohio. From what I can gather, it is called the Blood Bowl because it is popular with skateboarders, and there have likely been many nasty spills due to the steep concrees walls. The urban legends tell a different story, in which a skateboarder died here. In one verison of the story, a skateboarder was murdered either outside the tunnel or somewhere inside the tunnel. In another version, a skateboarder attempted to skate the tunnel in the dark and didn't make it. The Gates of Hell moniker likely comes from large metal structure which resembles gates and is meant to keep large debris out of the tunnel.

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